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In November 1843, a fire broke out at the Sans Souci Theatre, Kolkata. This accident forever altered the history of both Park Street as well as the the City of Joy. While fire is a destroyer, it is a purifier too, one that eliminates the ‘old’ and paves the way for something new. The fire that burnt down the Sans Souci Theatre kindled another: “The Fire of Education.” Eventually, the burnt-out theatre found life as the site of an institution that would redefine modern education. On the 16th of January, 1860, a small group of Belgian Jesuits, led by Father Henri Depelchin, united at 10, Park Street, to create what is now known as a symbol of excellence in education throughout the country: St. Xavier’s Collegiate School. 164 years since its inception, St. Xavier’s Collegiate School remains an enduring source of inspiration for all. As an internationally recognized and esteemed institution, it continues to reach new heights of excellence. To become men for others and to keep the fire of passion burning has been a major part of Xaverian culture and it is one that all future generations look to uphold. Nihil Ultra, Nothing Beyond!

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St. Xavier’s Collegiate School takes immense pride in presenting the 18th edition of its cultural festival, X-Uberance ‘24. With a remarkable history and an exceptional track record, we aspire to reach the Vertex of Vitality. X-Uberance has consistently grown bigger and better with each passing year, celebrating skills, interests, and learning beyond the boundaries of textbooks. A fest like no other, X-Uberance has garnered the reputation of being the “Biggest School Fest by the Biggest School in East India.” X-Uberance ’24 is committed to carrying forward this rich Xaverian legacy and will be a resounding success.